Shasta County Board of Education Member Bullies Parent on Facebook

There are a lot of issues going on at Gateway Unified School District in Shasta county. Last month I heard about a recall effort and decided to learn more. I have since become a supporter and volunteer. The reasons that I support a recall of two board members have (or had) nothing to do with LGBTQ issues, but the opposition has brought that to the front.

I live by a simple mantra ‘Be kind to others’ … Why have they taken to posting transphobic memes about me?

Here is a quick civics crash course for you all. (This information is specific to our local district) To recall an elected official it takes a minimum of 30 signatures from voters that are in the elected official’s area. We exceeded that, and served them with a Notice of Intent to Recall at April’s regular session board meeting. There were two proponents that served papers, myself and another. You can read all about recall procedures in this fun little paper.

The opposition has decided that I am the head and face of the committee. I believe this is because I openly express myself as female, after living most of my life as a male. The other person that served papers has not even been mentioned by the anti-recall effort. I do thank him for the time and work put in to help us get this done.

Simple version: My reasons for wanting to recall have to do with votes and actions taken by the two board members; there was a third that resigned after legal issues related to their actions. I live by a simple mantra Be kind to others, and I always try to see the best in people. Why have they taken to posting transphobic memes, with pictures they have stolen from a reporter that did a very objective interview with me?

Even when I disagree with another person’s opinion I respect they are human and they have a right to their opinion. I feel this is very juvenile and is something I would have expected when in middle school. Teachers now tell me that if a student has posted this about another student they would have been in the principal’s office so fast it would make your head spin. Authur Gorman is in an elected position, and I would expect anyone in that position to behave with more professionalism.

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